Benefits & Risks of Raised Dog Bowls

Better Posture

A Raised dog bowl can help improve your dogs posture.  Bending over all the time drinking water and eating food from bowls on the floor can cause bad posture which can lead to back problems in your dog.

Comfort Whilst Eating 

Raising your dog's bowls can help to make them more comfortable when they are eating.  Older dogs often have arthritis and joint pain.  Having to bend over to eat and drink constantly can be very painful.  

Medical Conditions Helped by a Raised Bowl

Certain medical conditions, such as megasophagus can be alleviated by raised dog bowls. Raising your dog's bowls can help food move down their esophagus easier. Please seek advise from your vet before purchasing a bowl.

Helps With Swallowing

Raised dog bowls can help with swallowing.  When your dog has to bend over to drink water or eat food, they move food and water against gravity up the esophagus into the stomach.  When you elevate their bowls, it makes swallowing easier.  

Can Slow Down Fast Eaters

Dogs who are known to eat fast can benefit from an elevated bowl.  This can slow them down when eating because they have to eat at a more upright position. Slow feeder bowls are also good to use with dogs who tend to eat very fast.

Easier For Human Guardians to Get to the Bowl  

Raising your dogs bowls makes them easier for you to reach.  Older people may have problems with arthritis and have difficulty bending over. Raised bowls makes it easier for you to give them food and water. 

Cleaner Feeding Area

Raised bowls keep the feeding area cleaner as your dog is less likely to make a mess with bowls that are closer to their mouths.

Reduces Playing in the Bowl

Many dogs and puppies love to play in their water bowl and some carry their bowls around the house. Raised dog bowls are in a stand that cannot be easily carried around the house.  

Helps Bowls Stay In Place

Raised dog bowls come in a stand that cannot be easily knocked over.  Some dogs scoot their bowls across the floor with their nose or may run into them when playing in the house.  These stands stay in place much easier than bowls that sit on the floor.


If your dog is susceptible to bloat or has any other medical conditions please consult your vet for advise on the best feeding methods and whether you should use a raised bowl or not.

Predisposed breeds include:
  • Great Danes (39% of Great Danes will experience bloat during their lifetime)
  • Standard poodle
  • Irish setter
  • Irish wolfhound
  • Akita
  • German shepherd
  • Weimaraner
  • Saint Bernard

Disclaimer: is unable to give medical advise. The information contained here is our opinion and should not be considered medical advise. We always recommend that our customers seek advise from a qualified veterinary before purchasing a raised dog bowl if they at all unsure.